
Aligning the Contact Center With People and Processes

Aligning the Contact Center With People and Processes

To say that we are living in a customer-centric world is an understatement. Contact centers, gamification, on-demand, active listening … these are just a few elements of the standard (and expected) customer service experience. Customers now have more choice than ever....

Unified Communications Leads to Higher Customer Retention

Unified Communications Leads to Higher Customer Retention

In today’s digital world, customers have more options than ever before. From across the street to across the planet, your competition is doing more to draw in new customers and retain existing ones, and unified communications and UCaaS strategies play a major role in...

Key Indicators It’s Time to Switch to a Cloud Phone System

Key Indicators It’s Time to Switch to a Cloud Phone System

Change can be frightening, but it shouldn’t be what holds your company back from growth. Many businesses that haven’t yet switched to a cloud phone system have maintained their old communication systems out of a fear of change. This puts you at risk of too many costly...

AI: Powering Contact Centers for the Future

AI: Powering Contact Centers for the Future

Today, 70% of customers have spent more money to work with a company that provides great customer service. And in 2015, Gartner found that customer experience would be the key brand differentiator in the coming years. Your contact center plays a critical role in...

3 Ways to Reduce Your Call Center Average Wait Time

3 Ways to Reduce Your Call Center Average Wait Time

You’ve been on hold for half an hour. Every few minutes, an automated message breaks in to assure you “Your call is important to us.” The longer you wait for an actual representative, how important you feel decreases. Your irritation skyrockets. We’ve all been in this...